Analytic report and column definitions

Modified on Tue, 23 Jul, 2024 at 3:18 PM

Whatever format you select to export the information provided will be the same. Below is a list of column and their meaning.

Actions - Main metrics (Actions)

This report provides a very basic overview of what actions your visitors take on your website.

All Channels (Referrers)

This report shows all your Referrers in one unified report, listing all Websites, Search keywords and Campaigns used by your visitors to find your website.

All Websites dashboard (All Websites)

This report gives you an informational overview for each of your websites, containing the most general metrics about your visitors.

Audio Resource URLs (Media)

This report shows a hierarchical list of the resource URLs of audio that your visitors listened to. To see further details for a specific audio resource URL, click the plus icon when you hover a row.

Audio Resources URLs Grouped (Media)

This report shows information about the grouped resource URLs of audio that your visitors listened to. It is similar to "Audio Resource URL" but it groups together audio resources that have the same file name but a different file extension. To see further details for a specific audio resource, click the plus icon when you hover a row.

Audio Titles (Media)

This report shows information about the audio titles that your visitors have listened to. To see further details for a specific audio title, click the plus icon when you hover a row. When a title for an audio file cannot be detected, it will be grouped under "Unknown".

Audio per hour in website's timezone (Media)

This report shows at which hours of the day visitors have listened to your audios. The hours are shown in the timezone of the website.

Browser Plugins (Visitors)

This report shows which browser plugins your visitors had enabled. This information might be important for choosing the right way to deliver your content.

Browser engines (Visitors)

This report shows your visitors' browsers broken down into browser engines.
 The most important information for web developers is what kind of rendering engine their visitors are using. The labels contain the names of the engines followed by the most common browser using that engine in brackets.

Browser version (Visitors)

This report contains information about what kind of browser your visitors were using. Each browser version is listed separately.

Browsers (Visitors)

This report contains information about what kind of browser your visitors were using.

Channel Type (Referrers)

This table contains information about the distribution of the channel types.
Direct Entry: A visitor has entered the URL in their browser and started browsing on your website - they entered the website directly.
Search Engines: A visitor was referred to your website by a search engine.
See the "Search Engines & Keywords" report for more details.
Websites: The visitor followed a link on another website that led to your site.
See the "Websites" report for more details.
Campaigns: Visitors that came to your website as the result of a campaign.
 See the "Campaigns" report for more details.

City (Visitors)

Shows the cities your visitors connected from when accessing your website.
Set up GeoIP in the Geolocation admin tab to provide data for this report. The commercial MaxMind GeoIP databases are more accurate than the gratis ones. Click here to see how accurate they are.

Configurations (Visitors)

This report shows the most common overall configurations that your visitors had. A configuration is the combination of an operating system, a browser type and a screen resolution.

Content Name (Actions)

This report shows the names of the content your visitors viewed and interacted with.

Content Piece (Actions)

This report shows the pieces of content your visitors viewed and interacted with.

Continent (Visitors)

Shows which continent your visitors connected from when accessing your website.

Country (Visitors)

Shows which country your visitors connected from when accessing your website.

Custom Variables (Visitors)

This report contains information about your Custom Variables. Click on a variable name to see the distribution of the values.
For more information about Custom Variables in general, read the Custom Variables documentation on

Days to Conversion (Goals)

This report shows how many days pass before your visitors convert a goal.

Device brand (Visitors)

This report shows the brands / manufacturers of the devices your visitors were using. In most cases this information is only available for non-desktop devices.

Device model (Visitors)

This report shows the devices your visitors are using. Each model is displayed combined with the device brand as some model names are used by multiple brands.

Device type (Visitors)

This report shows the types of devices your visitors were using. This report will always show all device types Matomo is able to detect, even if there were no visits with a specific type.

Downloads (Actions)

In this report, you can see which files your visitors have downloaded.
 What Matomo counts as a download is the click on a download link. Whether the download was completed or not isn't known to Matomo.

Entry page titles (Actions)

This report contains information about the titles of entry pages that were used during the specified period. Use the plus and minus icons on the left to navigate.

Entry pages (Actions)

This report contains information about the entry pages that were used during the specified period. An entry page is the first page that a user views during their visit.
The entry URLs are displayed as a folder structure.
Use the plus and minus icons on the left to navigate.

Event Actions (Actions)

This report shows you the number of times each event action occurred. You can view the event categories and names that were tracked along with each event action in the row's subtable. You can change which is shown by changing the secondary dimension with the link at the bottom of the report.

Event Categories (Actions)

This report shows the categories of each tracked event and how many times they occurred. You can view the event actions and names that were tracked along with each event category in each row's subtable. You can change which is shown by changing the secondary dimension with the link at the bottom of the report.

Event Names (Actions)

This report shows you the names associated with each tracked event and how many times they occurred. You can view the event actions and categories that were tracked along with each event name in each row's subtable. You can change which is shown by changing the secondary dimension with the link at the bottom of the report.

Exit page titles (Actions)

This report contains information about the titles of exit pages that occurred during the specified period. Use the plus and minus icons on the left to navigate.

Exit pages (Actions)

This report contains information about the exit pages that occurred during the specified period. An exit page is the last page that a user views during their visit.
The exit URLs are displayed as a folder structure.
Use the plus and minus icons on the left to navigate.

Form "UserForm" - Forms Overview (Forms)

This report gives you an overview of how your forms are doing by giving you insights into the number of form views, form starters, form submissions, form conversions, and more.

Form "UserForm" - Page URLs (Forms)

This report shows on which pages your visitors interacted with a form and how each of the form metrics differ on various pages.

Form "a7ct3" - Forms Overview (Forms)

This report gives you an overview of how your forms are doing by giving you insights into the number of form views, form starters, form submissions, form conversions, and more.

Form "a7ct3" - Page URLs (Forms)

This report shows on which pages your visitors interacted with a form and how each of the form metrics differ on various pages.

Form "add-read" - Forms Overview (Forms)

This report gives you an overview of how your forms are doing by giving you insights into the number of form views, form starters, form submissions, form conversions, and more.

Form "add-read" - Page URLs (Forms)

This report shows on which pages your visitors interacted with a form and how each of the form metrics differ on various pages.

Form "form" - Forms Overview (Forms)

This report gives you an overview of how your forms are doing by giving you insights into the number of form views, form starters, form submissions, form conversions, and more.

Form "form" - Page URLs (Forms)

This report shows on which pages your visitors interacted with a form and how each of the form metrics differ on various pages.

Form "profile_data_form" - Forms Overview (Forms)

This report gives you an overview of how your forms are doing by giving you insights into the number of form views, form starters, form submissions, form conversions, and more.

Form "profile_data_form" - Page URLs (Forms)

This report shows on which pages your visitors interacted with a form and how each of the form metrics differ on various pages.

Form "storeForm" - Forms Overview (Forms)

This report gives you an overview of how your forms are doing by giving you insights into the number of form views, form starters, form submissions, form conversions, and more.

Form "storeForm" - Page URLs (Forms)

This report shows on which pages your visitors interacted with a form and how each of the form metrics differ on various pages.

Form "tjen0" - Forms Overview (Forms)

This report gives you an overview of how your forms are doing by giving you insights into the number of form views, form starters, form submissions, form conversions, and more.

Form "tjen0" - Page URLs (Forms)

This report shows on which pages your visitors interacted with a form and how each of the form metrics differ on various pages.

Form "xpather-form" - Forms Overview (Forms)

This report gives you an overview of how your forms are doing by giving you insights into the number of form views, form starters, form submissions, form conversions, and more.

Form "xpather-form" - Page URLs (Forms)

This report shows on which pages your visitors interacted with a form and how each of the form metrics differ on various pages.

Forms Overview (Forms)

This report gives you an overview of how your forms are doing by giving you insights into the number of form views, form starters, form submissions, form conversions, and more.

Goals (Goals)

This report gives an overview of how well your visitors convert a specific goal.

Goals Overview (Goals)

This report gives an overview of how well your visitors convert a specific goal.

Goals Overview - Days to Conversion (Goals)

This report shows how many days pass before your visitors convert a goal.

Goals Overview - Visits to Conversion (Goals)

This report shows the number of visits made before a visitor converts a goal.

Keywords (Referrers)

This report shows which keywords users were searching for before they were referred to your website.

By clicking on a row in the table, you can see the distribution of search engines that were queried for the keyword.

Note: This report lists most keywords as not defined, because most search engines do not send the exact keyword used on the search engine.

Language code (Visitors)

Shows which exact language code the visitor's browsers is set to. (e.g. "German — Austria (de-at)")

Length of visits (Actions)

How many visits had a certain total duration. Initially, the report is shown as a tag cloud, wherein more common durations have a larger font.
Please note, that you can view the report in other ways than as a tag cloud. Use the controls at the bottom of the report to do so.

Main metrics (API)

This report gives an overview of the most important metrics across all categories and plugins.

Media Players (Media)

This report contains information about the media players that were used by your visitors to play the media on your website.

Media Summary (Media)

This is an overview of your visitor's media consumption. It is broken down into various reports, which are displayed in sparklines at the bottom of the page. You can enlarge the graphs by clicking on the report you'd like to see.

Operating System families (Visitors)

This report shows you the operating systems your visitors are using grouped by operating system family. An operating system family consists of different versions or distributions.

Operating System versions (Visitors)

This report shows you the operating systems your visitors are using. Each version and distribution is shown separately.

Outlinks (Actions)

This report shows a hierarchical list of outlink URLs that were clicked by your visitors. An outlink is a link that leads the visitor away from your website (to another domain).
Use the plus and minus icons on the left to navigate.

Page Titles Following a Site Search (Actions)

When visitors search on your website, they are looking for a particular page, content, product, or service. This report lists the pages that were clicked the most after an internal search. In other words, the list of pages the most searched for by visitors already on your website.
Use the plus and minus icons on the left to navigate.

Page URLs (Actions)

This report contains information about the page URLs that have been visited.
The table is organized hierarchically, the URLs are displayed as a folder structure.
Use the plus and minus icons on the left to navigate.

Page titles (Actions)

This report contains information about the titles of the pages that have been visited.
 The page title is the HTML <title> Tag that most browsers show in their window title.

Pages Following a Site Search (Actions)

When visitors search on your website, they are looking for a particular page, content, product, or service. This report lists the pages that were clicked the most after an internal search. In other words, the list of pages the most searched for by visitors already on your website.
Use the plus and minus icons on the left to navigate.

Pages per visit (Actions)

How many visits involved a certain number of pageviews. Initially, the report is shown as a tag cloud, wherein more common numbers of pages have a larger font.
Please note, that you can view the report in other ways than as a tag cloud. Use the controls at the bottom of the report to do so.

Performance overview (Actions)

This report provides an overview of how fast your webpages become visible to your visitors. This includes both how long it takes for browsers to download your webpages and how long it takes for browsers to display them.

Provider (Visitors)

This report shows which Internet Service Providers your visitors used to access the website. You can click on a provider name for more details.
 If Matomo can't determine a visitor's provider, it is listed as IP.

Referrers Overview (Referrers)

This report shows what acquisition channels your visitors used to get to your website, and the number of visits each channel type is responsible for.

Region (Visitors)

Shows which region your visitors connected from when accessing website.
Set up GeoIP in the Geolocation admin tab to provide data for this report. The commercial MaxMind GeoIP databases are more accurate than the gratis ones. Click here to see how accurate they are.

Returning Visits (Actions)

This report shows general metrics like visits for returning visitors side by side with the same metrics for new visitors. Learn how returning visitors perform overall compared to new visitors.

SEO Web Vitals (Referrers)

Web Vitals help you understand how great the experience is for your website visitors when loading a page on your website. Various measurements are taken and put into a score. These scores are also taken into consideration for your search engine page ranking.

Screen Resolution (Visitors)

This report shows the screen resolutions your visitors used when viewing your website.

Search Categories (Actions)

This report lists the Categories that visitors selected when they made a Search on your website.
For example, Ecommerce websites typically have a "Category" selector so that visitors can restrict their searches to all products in a specific Category.

Search Engines (Referrers)

This report shows which search engines referred users to your website.
 By clicking on a row in the table, you can see what users were searching for using a specific search engine.

Search Keywords with No Results (Actions)

Tracking searches that visitors make on your website is a very effective way to learn more about what your audience is looking for, it can help find ideas for new content, new Ecommerce products that potential customers might be searching for, and generally improve the visitors' experience on your website.

This report lists the Search Keywords that did not return any Search result: maybe the search engine algorithm can be improved, or maybe your visitors are looking for content that is not (yet) on your website?

Single Website dashboard (All Websites)

This report gives you an informational overview for a specific website, containing the most general metrics about your visitors.

Site Search Keywords (Actions)

This report lists the Search Keywords that visitors searched for on your internal Search Engine.

Tracking searches that visitors make on your website is a very effective way to learn more about what your audience is looking for, it can help find ideas for new content, new Ecommerce products that potential customers might be searching for, and generally improve the visitors' experience on your website.

Social Networks (Referrers)

In this table, you can see which websites referred visitors to your site.
 By clicking on a row in the table, you can see which URLs the links to your website were on.

User IDs (Visitors)

Shows visits and other general metrics for every individual User ID.

Video Resolutions (Media)

This report shows the resolution (width and height) at which your videos were watched. For example if a visitor watches the video fullscreen, the video resolution equals the visitor's screen resolution.

Video Resource URLs (Media)

This report shows a hierarchical list of the resource URLs of videos that your visitors watched. To see further details for a specific video resource URL, click the plus icon when you hover a row.

Video Resource URLs Grouped (Media)

This report shows information about the grouped resource URLs of videos that your visitors watched. It is similar to "Video Resource URL" but it groups together videos that have the same file name but a different file extension. To see further details for a specific video resource, click the plus icon when you hover a row.

Video Titles (Media)

This report shows information about the video titles that your visitors have watched. To see further details for a specific video title, click the plus icon when you hover a row. When a title for a video cannot be detected, it will be grouped under "Unknown".

Videos per hour in website's timezone (Media)

This report shows at which hours of the day visitors have watched your videos. The hours are shown in the timezone of the website.

Visits Summary (Visitors)

This report provides a very general overview of how your visitors behave.

Visits by day of the week (Visitors)

This graph shows the number of visits your website received on each day of the week.

Visits by days since last visit (Actions)

How many visits were from returning visitors whose last visit was a certain number of days ago.

Visits by visit number (Actions)

The number of visitors reaching their Nth visit. I.e. the total amount of visitors visiting your website a given amount of times or more.
Please note, that you can view the report in other ways than as a tag cloud. Use the controls at the bottom of the report to do so.

Visits per hour in the site's timezone (Visitors)

This graph shows what time it was in the  site's time zone  during the visits.

Visits per local time (Visitors)

This graph shows what time it was in the  visitors' time zones  during their visits.

Visits to Conversion (Goals)

This report shows the number of visits made before a visitor converts a goal.

Web-browser language (Visitors)

Shows which language the visitor's browsers are using. (e.g. "French")

Websites (Referrers)

In this table, you can see which websites referred visitors to your site.
By clicking on a row in the table, you can see which URLs the links to your website were on.

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